Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hits and Misses

the coin always has two faces. heads you win, tails you lost. and in life, we spend that one, hot saturday afternoon or say a starry sunday evening staring from a broken windowpane brooding over which face of the coin we are playing. we toss the coin over & over sometimes if we fail to get a shot at the jackpot cos we feel like its never fair & acceptable to have the tail-end invades the ambiguous territory of our ‘perfect’ plans and ideals. but sometimes, it just happens. we get the losing end of it and when it does, suddenly we feel the hard concrete touching our feet collapses and twirls, more so if that something we’re playing for is huge. and somehow, we feel that the world has made the biggest SUCKER out of us for missing a turn for that coveted head. that’s when frustrations & disappointment strike and that’s when we throw punches at our bedroom wall & scream. but after a while, past the tarnished wallpaper and a broken wrist, you realize it’s a normal human condition under a circumstance way beyond human’s control, and you try to move on. and while you were sitting & marking those red letter days from the calendar, you realize that patience serves anything. by tomorrow morning when you see the silver lining & when all bruises from your fist healed, you will sigh and smile, and you’ll start singing some sappy & happy jesse mcCartney’s or even britney’s in the bathroom even if you’re a true-blue emo hardcore –just because you got thru the tail end of the coin and started having the head, cos you’re just simply patient, and happy. but the important thing is you learned some lessons. and because of that you stop making plans cos nothing proves to be predictable in life after all. you know all the while its worth the time tasting that bitter coffee, only after knowing that you hadn’t put any sugar in it then needed to pour some to make it taste good. you just stop making plans.You stop befriending negativism & drop the coin and not even care whether you get a head or a tail, cos you learn that life is a big joke sometimes and you’re allowed to be cheated once in a while.

nelly furtado said ‘all good things come to an end, and chris carrabba answered with ‘morning calls for pain relief.’ all the same, no matter what circumstances the coin may give, go get and flip it for it’ll be worth the try knowing that things will be brighter & okay in the long end. now it’s just a matter of picking it up and flipping it over after one bad turn and see whether chances favor your side this time around.

then if all else is screwed, that’s when you get the spoonful of sugar to pour on your coffee to make the bitter taste a little sweeter. by then you will know your attempts are never really wasted. cos in life, you win some…and you lose some just the same. Ultimately it depends roughly on your muscles to move mountains from here to yonder. and you know that alone makes things in this world happen.

hits.. misses... fate... luck…, whatever you call it, can be dictated by that two-faceted piece of silver, but you’re still the third face that flip & control it. so you get to decide. you challenge, and you get to play smart. cos if you do, the next time you’ll be staring out from that broken windowpane one starry sunday evening again you’ll just sigh & say ‘I’m prolly on the tail end now, but i do win! and that’s what’s important.’

Finding -Marco-™ Harlequin Lover

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